Orion: Wager of Battle – Meet the characters

While writing Orion: Wager of Battle, I wanted to visualise what the characters looked like. Lets be honest, most superhero stories are comics. Because I lacked the ability to publish it as a comic book, I toyed with the idea of having character portraits within. I scoured the internet and found pictures I liked. Sometimes I even created a character to match the picture (for example, Orion, Ogre and Raven). In the end I decided not to publish with the character portraits, but I thought it might be fun to show them here.

Most are thanks to our good friends at Getty Images, except as noted. Click on the portraits for a bigger image.


Orion original image created by John Aslarona https://johnaslarona.bigcartel.com/


Ogre original image by Markzhu


Raven original image by Michael McDonald


Sir John

I also did a montage.

My original intent was to write a story about ‘Knighthawks’ – a fully fledged superhero group. But as the story progressed, it became more and more about Orion. The montage I did was a possible book cover, back before Orion took over.

Thanks for reading!


Orion: Wager of Battle out now

Hello folks,

Orion: Wager of Battle is finally available for sale worldwide.

Thanks again to all those who helped in its production: Julie Morrison, Derek Fails, Craig Wright, Josephine Tyrrel, Kerri Jordan, Carmel Diggins and thanks to Garin Dadson as always, for not reading it.

Where can you buy it? Pretty much anywhere online.

Amazon (Au)

Amazon (UK)

Amazon (US)

Amazon (Canada)


Barnes and Noble

The Book Depository


Of course, you’re welcome to buy from me, just send me a message – but physical copies are still a couple of weeks away.

E-book is currently $10, paperback $30 and hardback $40, plus a small amount of postage.

I’ll have it for sale in some stores locally soon. And for those who work with me, keep an eye on the Sports Carnival Books table.

Thanks for reading!


Orion: Wager of Battle

Hello folks,

It’s been a long time coming – but I’ve finally finished my third book.

Orion: Wager of Battle is ready to be read by someone other than myself and my few trusty proof readers.

The book started life a few years ago as a short story, and has grown into a novel-length story. Later this week I’ll send if off for publishing – and after I get a copy and am happy with it, I’ll release it to the world!

I won’t give the plot away, but here is the back cover blurb:

“I’d been having weird dreams for months. In the dreams, I had amazing powers… I was dangerous… I hunted people who could use magic…”

“I hunted and killed them… these dreams scared me.”

–  Harry Tasker/ Orion

Wager of Battle

There are those among us who believe they are answerable to no-one, and recognise no other resolution except the chance of arms.

The 15th Century

The English Achilles – Sir John of Arundel carved a bloody path through the French in the Hundred Years War. Closer to home, no witch or wizard was safe from Warder, his vengeful blade.

The evil warlock Gwidion hunts for a mystical book that will give him the edge in his battle with the wizard Magister.

Victoria Talbot and her sisters are rescued from Gwidion’s henchmen by a brave young woodsman in the forest near their home. But the warlock is relentless…

The 21st Century

Sir John reaches out from beyond the grave, across the centuries and into the dreams of Harry Tasker.

A meteor falls to Earth. In the aftermath, people develop super-powers. Superhumans with cool names like ‘Sapphire’ and ‘Ogre’.

Their lives are thrown into chaos when they are all swept into the conflict between the two powerful spellcasters that stretches across centuries and continents.

When dreams become real, they are no longer your dreams.

The front cover is below: